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Dowry in a new envelope

Yesterday, we went to meet a ‘would be’ grooms family for my cousin sister, who were very modern, atleast, that’s what they said. They were against dowry!, “wow!” I exclaimed! out of proud. They had no problems with my sister working either! Again “wow! ”

It’s amazing, isn’t it! “.

If you come out of the world of philosophy and law, you will find rate of men rising with their digits of earning! And just like stock exchange your future depends on value(monetary) you hold.

So, after their disclaimer, there were climax: soon they very nicely and in posh way said:” We want a luxury wedding, our relatives are from foreign, we can’t downturn them, can we? “

A good question, “can we?”, well, why can’t we? ” This was the question my sis replied in a question.

And so, the ‘ would be‘ turned into‘ wouldn’t be’.

Man has greed in their nature, Eve couldn’t control herself from biting apple! How could us? # just for writing

There is another story…


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